Our 10th Hemophilia Walk – It’s Not Too Late To Get Involved!

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Our 10th annual hemophilia walk is just a week away!  It’s not too late to participate, get involved and raise funds to help our community!  Here’s several ways that you can help in the coming week:

  • Call Your Friends/Family:  When was the last time you actually called someone on the phone to talk instead of texting or instant messaging?  Now is the perfect time to give friends and family a call and talk about our walk and ask for their participation (attending the walk) and/or donating to the cause!
  • Email: We know all of us receive a ton of email daily and it can be difficult to keep up with it all.  Take this opportunity to email friends individually to talk about the walk and ask for their participation (attending the walk) and/or donating to the cause.  We find it’s best to email people individually as they’re more likely to respond to something that isn’t a mass email sent out to many individuals.
  • Social Media: Over the past 5 years, social media has exploded and many, many people use it regularly to connect with friends, family, loved ones, co-workers etc.  Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. to share our posts with information about the walk or write your own posts and include the link to our walk website (See link at bottom of this post)
Not only are we trying to meet and exceed our fundraising goal of $300,000, we want to have at least 2,000 participants at our tenth annual hemophilia walk!  You don’t have to have a bleeding disorder to participate!  Please join us next Sunday, 5/31/15 and meet the wonderful members of our NYC bleeding disorders community!
We encourage you to pre-register so that we can make sure we are ready for all participants.
#hemophilia #vWD #bleedingdisorders #hemophiliawalk #hemowalk2015

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