Juno is Coming! Be prepared!

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As you probably know, Winter Storm Juno is on its way. We encourage you to be prepared and stay informed. You should have food, a flashlight and batteries, and of course clotting factor and other needed medecines and supplies on hand.
The National Hemophilia Foundation has provided information on Emergency Preparedness which appears below.
As always, please refer all medical questions to your Treatment Center or healthcare provider, or in case of a medical emergency, call 911.
For the latest information about the approaching storm, school closings and other important information,  please visit www.NYC.gov, and stay tuned to TV and radio broadcasts. Those who do not live in New York City may want to consult the website and other resources made available by their local municipality.
Please let us know if there are any ways we may be of assistance to you or your family.  Stay warm and stay safe!

Emergency Preparedness

The four stages: Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

• Have both an individual and family/household preparedness plan

• Know your children’s schools’ emergency plans, your work and home care emergency plans

• Designate a central meeting place where all family members can find each other—a rendezvous point

• Create a telephone check-in point with an out-of-town relative in case phone lines are not working locally

• Provide your out-of-town contact information to your HTC and chapter; keep this contact info updated

• Know your exit points both at home and at work/school and how much time you need to get out. Prepare for any physical challenges that you or other family members may have

• Footwear—make sure you have comfortable footwear at your workplace/home or in your car in case evacuation is necessary

• Have an extra supply of medicine—not just factor but all necessary medications

• Have a full gas tank and extra water, food, clothes, diapers, flashlight, batteries, cell phone charger (car adapter and 110 volt), camp stove with proper fuel, fans/heater, generator, etc., ready at all times

• Have a way to charge your cell phone without electricity

• Program your emergency contact into your cell phone under “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) so emergency responders know whom to call if needed

• Gather your important documents, each family member’s medical records and insurance information in a secure, waterproof container to put in your go-bag

• Have a go-bag ready with your important documents, extra factor and other medications

• Have NHF’s HANDI phone number and Web site in your go-bag: 1-800-42-HANDI, www.hemophilia.org

• Practice your emergency plans both at home and at work; make sure there is a yearly orientation for everyone and brief any new employees. In both your home and work setting, know who has which responsibilities: who will get the factor, who will get medical records and know where these things are all located (in your go-bag)

• Review communication pathways

• Form a block or neighborhood association, discuss preparedness and general security for the area, and establish a network for looking in on neighbors

• Make sure your HTC knows where you will go in an evacuation and that you know its emergency plan as well

• Stay healthy—sound body, sound mind will serve you well in an emergency and everyday. Practice staying as healthy as you can—Do the 5!

• Practice your individual plan and then review for improvements and practice again with the improvements


• If officials tell you to evacuate, evacuate early!

• Notify your HTC and chapter as to where you are heading

• Activate all the steps you have practiced with your family/household and at your work place

• Assist neighbors according to your neighborhood association planning

• Make sure you have several ways of communicating in case you get separated from any family members or need to reach your HTC or homecare company

• Contact your chapter and HTC when the event is over and you have returned home (if you have evacuated previously)

Psychosocial Preparedness

• If your life is in balance before, it’s much easier to maintain balance during and after a crisis

• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is real—know the signs, it can happen to both consumers and providers

• All people in a crisis may have delayed onset of symptoms or varying duration of symptoms

• PTSD has age-specific features, e.g., children may become quiet, engage in repetitive play, have nightmares, psychosomatic complaints, difficulty concentrating, show diminished interest in activities, exhibit regression to earlier stages of development, etc.

• Being prepared is the best therapy

• Caregivers and family members need to recognize their own needs, set limits and take time to care for themselves

• After the event, participate in your chapter and/or HTC debriefings regarding everyone’s response to the emergency.

1-800-42-HANDI www.hemophilia.org

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