Navidad en Agosto

El Chapter de la Hemofilia de NY (NYCHC) está organizando una sesión educativa para la comunidad latina con un desorden de coagulación para este próximo sábado 3 de Agosto a […]


Afternoon at the Ballgame

We’re taking you out to the ballgame! Join us on Sunday, August 4 at 3 PM for an afternoon of baseball, entertainment and education as we watch the Staten Island FerryHawks take […]


Help us make a difference!

Help us make a difference!  Donate here! We are able to keep the majority of our programs free of charge because of the financial support we receive from friends throughout […]



  You’ve just learned that your infant or young child has hemophilia or a related bleeding disorder. You’re scared, confused, and perhaps a little overwhelmed. Every one of these feelings [...]